About Kerrigan

I am a Founder & President of PinPoint Evangelism, a Pastor/Elder of Maranatha Fellowship, an Evangelist, a Graphic Designer at PinPoint Gospel Tracts, a Husband of a wonderful, Godly Wife and the Father of 8 Children. I definitely have an “ABUNDANT LIFE”!

Fast Facts About Kerrigan:

*Kerrigan has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Religious Education from Louisiana College, with a Minor in Religion.

*Kerrigan has about 22 years experience as a Youth Pastor, Associate Pastor, Senior Pastor & Pastor/Elder (Since 2000).

*Kerrigan has been consistently involved in street evangelism since January 2004.

*Kerrigan has been leading Evangelism Teams all over the U.S. since January 2005.

*Kerrigan has preached in the open air over 1,000 times at over 125 different Universities, in many Public Parks, on Subways, on Street Corners, in Bar/Club Districts, at Parades, at Sporting Events, at Beaches, at State Fairs, at Concerts, at Festivals and just about any other public place where there are lots of lost sinners gathered, who need to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

*Kerrigan has been married since 2001 to his wonderful, Godly, meek, quiet, modest, submissive, home keeping, child rearing, homeschooling, beautiful wife Angela and they have eight children.

My Testimony

I was raised in a non-Christian home. While I was growing up, my mother usually took me to Church at least on the holidays. From when I was eight years old until I was twelve years old, she took me just about every Sunday. She did her best to raise me the way she knew how: to be a “moral” and law abiding citizen. When I became a teenager, I found “better things” to do as a young person. I would still go to Church on the holidays at times, but I was no Christian and I don’t remember ever hearing the Gospel, up to that point.

When I went into the Army after high school, God began to work in my life. I remember a young Christian man trying to have a Bible Study with me when I was in A.I.T. (Advanced Individual Training) in Ft, Sill, OK. I stayed with it for a short period of time and then lost interest because I still loved my sin. As I moved to my permanent station at Ft. Bragg, NC, God continued to work in my life. By the Grace of God, a Christian Supervisor was put over me. He began witnessing to me and I began going to Church on Sundays, with another fellow soldier. I also met someone back home in Maryland who would take me to Church when I visited.

God was working in my life in many different ways, but I still resisted Him. I knew I was on my way to Hell because of my sins, but thought I had “plenty” of time for “religious things” later on. It wasn’t until a tragedy happened in my life that I was awakened to the frailty of life. It wasn’t until my Grandmother died that I realized I could die at anytime. God has the power over life and death and He could demand that I give an account of my life at any time He chose to. As far as anyone knew, my Grandmother was in good health. Then, while visiting my mother in Maryland, she went into a coma. About two weeks later she died.

What God spoke to my heart through my grandmother dying was this: “What if you were to die, all of a sudden, like your grandmother?” I knew I was on my way to Hell and I knew a change needed to happen in my life. Shortly after she died, I was lying in my bed one night and decided to give my life to Jesus Christ. That night, before I went to sleep, I repented of all of my sins and put my faith in Jesus Christ. I surrendered ALL to Him and I haven’t been the same since. God removed from me my heart of stone and gave me a heart of flesh. He put His Holy Spirit in me which gave me new desires, desires to do what He wanted me to do instead of what I wanted to do. He cleansed my filthy conscience and made it clean, just like it was brand new. He transformed me from the inside out!

I immediately felt a call to Christian ministry. I ran from my call for a year or so and then I finally gave in. I started out by going to school part-time, while working on the side, until God provided a way for me to go to school full-time. Since I have become a Christian,  I eventually graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Religious Education, with a Minor in Religion.  Throughout my Christian walk, I have been a Youth Pastor, a Sunday School Teacher, a Worship Leader for Youth and Adults, a J.O.Y. Group Pastor of College/Career age people, an Associate Pastor, a Senior Pastor, Pastor/Elder of home fellowships and I am now one of the Elders/Pastors or Maranatha Fellowship.

I have always had a hunger and desire to see the lost saved, as well as to disciple/edify the saints. It was back in October 2004 that God began to make it very clear to me that He was calling me to be an Evangelist. It just wasn’t the right time for me to step out in faith yet. It was less then a year later that God called me out of the Pastorate for a period of time, to be full-time evangelist. So, my wife, my two children and I stepped out in faith, sold most of our possessions and moved East (from Louisiana) to North Carolina, where God led us to start PinPoint Evangelism (along with my wife’s parents).

God has blessed us richly for being obedient to His call on our life. He has never failed to fully provide for us and has used us to encourage, equip and edify tens of thousands of saints through evangelism seminars, “on the job training” and internet media. He has also used us to reach tens of thousands of lost sinners through open air preaching, 1-2-1 witnessing, passing out tracts and internet media. All glory to Him! We are just servants doing His will!

Things have now come “full circle”. I am still constantly preaching the Gospel in the open air and reaching out to the lost through 1-2-1 conversations, gospel tract distribution and internet media. I have been an Elder/Pastor of Maranatha Fellowship since about 2018 and it has been great! It is the most Godly and Biblical Church that I have ever been a part of.  May the Lord continue to “add to our number”! The fellowship is going deeper with God and God adds to our number as we are faithful to Him, His Word and His Great Commission. We have true fellowship with one another and care for each other as we should. God is Good! All glory to Him!

11 thoughts on “About Kerrigan

  1. I was wondering if you were raised in a non Christian home and your mother took you to church was it really a church or why would you go to church I am confused. was it actually a mosque, synagogue, or temple. I understand that a church is for Christian, a mosque is for Muslims, a synagogue is for Jews and a temple is for Hindus or Buddhists. All people who call themselves Christians believe in Christ his death and resurrection, from pre denominational to denominational, it is how they interpret scriptures and the early church fathers teachings why some people interpret the early church fathers and scriptures in favor of John Calvin’s teachings on double predestination.


    • By “Christian”, I mean someone who is born again of the Holy Spirit and is obeying God. My mother wasn’t born again until after I was (when I was 19 years old). Going to a building once a week (“Church”), doesn’t make someone a Christian, Biblically speaking.


  2. Aloha from Hawaii!,

    Hi, I looked up your website because I have some friends in the Calvinist movement actually the new Calvinist movement and I’m quite concerned about them. I think you did a good job in your research and i appreciated reading your information on the subject.I’m also curious about your believing that we are not born into sin because everything I can remember reading in the Bible is that we were sinners from our mother’s womb. I’m a mother of eight and my experience as a mother has been my children’s sin reared its ugly head quit early in there lives, selfishness was evident in infancy. Although I agree that all children if they die as children will be in the arms of Jesus. I have lost eight children in pregnancy and stillborn. could you explain your perspective on that subject.

    Sincerely. Julie


  3. All the way from Kenya (Africa) I have been listening to your powerful Open Air Sermon in Ocean City, MD and it ministered to me deeply. I am praying for you, that God will continually use you to draw souls to Him. Though millions have come, there’s still room for one more at the cross. And I pray that as He continues to use you mightily, He may bring you to His gracious knowledge of the Sabbath that much more may know His truth and indeed keep His commandments in entirety. I am praying for you and your family. Blessings. David. M


      • Good morning Kerrigan. Thank you for your wonderful testament and continued work with the lost. Could you please tell me how I can buy a copy of the song you play at the end of many of your YouTube clips. “May the lamb that was slain receive the reward of the suffering”. I have bought all of Christ our Life’s music from iTunes but this one has evaded me. simonsd2012@gmail.com Thank you.🙏


  4. Do you agree that you should repent your sins and try your bests to not sin and if you do tell God please forgive me and try not to sin because you will make mistakes in life


    • If one ALWAYS “tried their best to not sin”, one would NEVER sin. Is in those moments that one isn’t walking according to the Spirit that one gives into temptation and sins. Of course, IF someone were to sin, they would need to confess it and forsake in order to receive mercy from God. YET, we should NEVER assume that we are going to sin again eventually or that we all sin all the time.


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